B+ or -, But Stay Hopeful.
Let’s face it. It’s not always easy to keep a positive attitude when the stuff is hitting the proverbial fan, as it has the over the last two years. Positivity can sometimes be a reach (unless, it’s your blood type), especially during sustained times of heightened stress, grief, or pressure! But, in those compounded moments that press our back up against the wall, before calling on seemingly elusive optimism — just aim for expectation… expecting that circumstances can eventually get better, i.e., HOPE. (Bare minimum in the “can” because “will” is a whole different category called ‘faith,’ which is such a vital word that George Michael serenaded it. I digress!)
Over the years, I’ve been able to discern a few tangible practices to stay hopeful; no matter what was happening. Suffice it to say: I’ve perfected a few techniques. By far, the most effective method in maintaining hope has been to remember that all circumstances are temporary. And, in the process of remembering that all moments are fleeting, I navigate whatever situation as best as possible (P.S. “Best” is often cloaked as sheer patience mixed with adaptivity). Ironically, a by-product of the navigation process, exhausting as it may be, is also strength (compassion, too). So, as life continues to throw faster curve balls — from left field or home plate — we inherently become better at captaining choppier waters (mix-matched analogies, but y’all get what I’m saying).
In addition to ‘all things are temporary,’ another critical piece to the hope puzzle is to keep the bigger picture in mind. Staying above the fray can be tough, especially if you are naturally a detailed oriented person in wanting to understand/plan the how, when, etc. (Un)Fortunately, life doesn’t always work that way. Instead of looking down into the pit of minutia (where it is easy to spiral — trust me, I know); look up at the horizon and pixelate the moment into a much broader composite. (Reference note: I refer back to the opening point on ‘all things are temporary.’)
Let’s take it an external step forward because staying hopeful, of our own accord, can be hard. Here is another tactic I use to call in hope, when I can’t conjure it up. I look for it everywhere — I mean literally, I look for the word ‘hope’ and sure enough…the universe obliges. I start to see the word ‘hope’ on billboards; hear the word ‘hope’ on radio ads; or read the word ‘hope’ in articles. ‘Hope’ starts to flood in. I even start to see ‘hope’ in people’s actions…in their kindness, generosity, and compassion. Then, what do you know — I start to feel hopeful…quite miraculous, really. And, as a measure of last resort, I keep a trinket close by as a reminder (reference note: view picture)!
So, I won’t peddle positivity, not today at least — just keepin’ it real folks! BUT, I will reiterate: aim for the expectation that things can improve at some point. Lo and behold, hope will soon surface …and find you, irrespective of being positive or having faith (although those will naturally follow suit once hope is seen on the scene).