As Goes the Mind, so Goes the Body


The end of the year is always stressful due to the pressures of the holidays, the shopping, the socializing, the loved ones, etc. Coupled with a two-year long battle of existing within a pandemic, and well…it’s enough to drive those with even the strongest of mental stamina to the brink. My Type-A personality abhors being down for the count or anything slowing me down. But, alas, my body always gives when my mind gets exhausted. Cold, flu, cooties; you name it — I catch it. When I get stressed, I get sick. So, I’ve learned to embrace preventive measures with arms wide open, which used to consist primarily of fluids, vitamins, and meds…but now also include meditation and yoga.

The mind can be a haven or a prison. We decide, but often times, let’s be honest…external dynamics can be pretty darn influential. During this pandemic — I started meditating, as well as, doing yoga regularly…at length. These combined practices helped me remember two crucial factors that have kept me sane: 1) No matter what is going-on externally, I can always find sanctuary in myself 2) I am more than my thoughts or any circumstances existing at the moment, and the moment is just one pixel in a much broader, fleeting timeline.

Admittedly, it took some time to reach these realizations…

Several years ago, when I was going through a series of difficulties; I had a friend tell me: “you should do yoga. It will help you focus on your breath, which (is a form of meditation that) will help ground you.” I would always say to her, “I don’t think it’s my thing.” Internally, I would think, “no thanks, I’m not a tree-hugger.” Turns out — I was wrong; she was right.

Meditating is essentially about focusing on your breath, which is the bridge between the soul and physical self. Yoga is an inherently synchronized form of stretching that promotes flexibility and grounding back into the body. (Both supra to any specific institutional frameworks in my view). Combining the two creates a balm that quiets the mind and ultimately, soothes the nervous system.

But the body sometimes needs extra help in the balm department, which leads to another health discovery for those fighting off the cruds. Vicks Vapor Rub — Vicks is to the Arab World what Windex was portrayed as being to the Greek community in the classic, “My Big Fat Greek Wedding!” It’s literally a suggested remedy for everything. In the cold/flu case though, it is a spot-on remedy. Vicks can work wonders! But to combat the germs and really feel the effect: you gotta rub layers of Vicks on the bottom of your feet (credit goes to Chinese medicine for placement) and cover them with heavy socks. Simultaneously, eating a ridiculous amount of raw fruit adds an extra dose of fighting power to the immune system, especially apples, oranges, kiwis, and mangoes for vitamin C and other nutrients.

We can’t stop cold/flu season or other unexpected dynamics that are bound to create stress. But we can retreat, ground, and find balance amidst it all. Ultimately, it all starts with the mind. Because after goes the mind; so goes the body.



Fatimah S Baeshen with AuthenticFi
Fatimah S Baeshen with AuthenticFi

Written by Fatimah S Baeshen with AuthenticFi

Living life; learning lessons; serving others Copyright AuthenticFi 2021

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