“Amazing Grace, How Sweet the”…Age
Grace isn’t typically a word we associate with aging. Sure, we’ve heard the saying— ‘age gracefully,’ but I can attest: there can be a gap between adage and practice. Be it in the Far East, Middle East, or South East, the fear of aging is palpable; especially among women. Showing visible signs of physically maturing is more than just acceptable for men (think Richard Gere in Pretty Woman rockin’ the Salt and Pepper look). But for women, not so much…(ask a woman her age, and see what happens).
I remember several years ago when I did one of my first live TV interviews. I came out of the studio and grabbed my phone — only to find a text message from an acquaintance asking, “Hey, just watched you on TV. Have you considered getting Botox?”
Actually, no — I had not.
I am expressive, so my lines and wrinkles debut across my face daily — whatever the occasion: live TV or a phone call with a loved one. I wear it as a badge of honor — proof of wisdom for all the life in my years (my laugh lines are my favorite).
I am not a fan of intrusive treatments for beautification purposes. Life can be painful enough as it is — why go under the knife or inject a shot in your face unnecessarily? For the record: I’m not judging — to each her/his own! I am all for buffering the signs of age, but sign me up for the no pain; some gain approach.
Here are my top 10 tips for embracing age, and aging gracefully — without getting sucked, tucked, or injected. The sooner you start— the better: I wish I started in my 20's!
(Disclaimer: I do not financially benefit from recommending any of the below — these are genuine recommendations I’ve isolated over the years after expansively trying various things. The below helped me, but as always, consult with the respective industry professional and/or your medical doctor first, especially before trying supplements. And, please take into account your own allergies/intolerances).
Tip #1: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Drink your weight in ounces — or aim for at least 2 liters of water a day. I consider myself a water connoisseur. Trust me, not all water is the same! My favorite is plain water that helps balance out your pH scale.
Tip #2: Sleep is the elixir of life (as one elder sibling put it). Invest (according to your budget) in comfortable bedding: mattress, sheets, and above all else — a good pillow. My favorite is the Black Ice Memory Foam. Pricey but worth it. Waking-up without a crick in your neck — priceless.
Tip #3: Spinach ain’t just for Popeye. Spinach is a great alkalizer and helps balance the body’s pH scale. You don’t need a fancy juicer — any simple blender will do.
My go to ingredients are: 1 ½ cups of Spinach, a few Pineapple chunks or half a Kiwi (for sweetness), a Lemon wedge, two Mint Leaves, a cube of Ginger, a tsp of Turmeric, 2 tbs of raw Aloe Vera Juice (which you can find in the organic aisle of your local grocer). Add a cup of water and blend.
Do daily. When I was working grueling hours as a consultant overseas, I would literally carry my jug of Spinach Juice into client meetings. I’d get a double take, but I didn’t care!
Tip #4: Check yourself before your wreck yourself. Food impacts your outward appearance more than anything else — I don’t care how much Botox, chemical peels, suctions, or fillers claim otherwise. I’m not talking about counting calories — I’m talking about the type of food we eat. Here is the dealio — you gotta know your body and what works — or doesn’t work for you.
General rule of thumb: eat less processed and more whole foods, which feeds right into a huge piece often overlooked when it comes to food intake — read the ingredients. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t put it in your system. If you can pronounce it, but it sounds funny (but still, ‘oh so good,’ e.g., Yellow 5 — thank you, candy industry) — splurge, but ixnay on the regular.
This approach extends to sodas — a great substitute for soft drinks is flavored sparkling water. My favorite is Peach Perrier Slim Cans.
If you find yourself having random breakouts in specific areas of your face — check the ingredients of any new foods you’ve introduced into your diet. I used to love soy as a protein supplement, until I realized it was making me break out along my jawline — soy messes with your estrogen levels (Tofu, Edamame, Soy Bean Oil, Soy protein bars). And, P.S. nearly everything has Soy Lecithin in it because it’s used as a binding agent. Try to get stuff made with Sunflower Lecithin — it’s easier on your system.
Tip #5: Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize! Ok ya’ll — I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but not all lotions are made the same (cue the shock music). After trying lotions of all types from the world over— I recommend Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula for the body (you can find it unscented; if the original scent is too strong for you); Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream for the face; and, finally, although it’s pricey — it’s so worth the investment — Kate Somerville’s Quench hydrating serum for the neck (even though it’s promoted for the face). You can also use either the Kiehl’s cream or the cocoa butter for your neck area. Do not, I repeat — do not neglect moisturizing your neck. When I hit my mid-30s, I noticed I started to get turkey neck — moisturizing more helped!
For your feet; especially in winter, use Vitamin E oil — it’s the best for heels. Slather it on and cover with socks after the shower or at bedtime. They’ll be smooth as a baby’s bottom by morning.
Make sure to also take care of your hands! My hands were the first body part to start showing the signs of aging. L’Occitane’s Almond Delicious Hands is the best lotion I’ve ever used for my hands. It was given to me as a Holiday Happy a few years ago, and I’ve been hooked on it ever since!
Tip #6: Bone Thugs & Harmony. As we age, we lose collagen — I know, it hurts — literally. I’ve tried several different types of collagen forms and brands — pill, powder, cream — you name it; I tried it. The one that works best is this Neocell Syrup — it’s literally like a magic potion. (PSA: for best results, ingest the collagen in a form that is edible. External applications, such as creams, weren’t as effective for me).
Also at 40, your joints start to get rusty and you sound like a bowl of Rice Krispy’s when you move (snap, crackle, and pop). Don’t worry — there’s a supplement for that! Glucosamine Chondroitin is excellent for keeping joints lubricated. This brand is the best I’ve tried — most others are horse pills! This one also has Turmeric in it, which helps keep inflammation down. An alternate option that I found by total accident, but also helps with cell rejuvenation and lubrication is Hyaluronic Acid.
Tip #7: The Tortoise and the Hair. Hair can lose its thickness and sheen with time, stress, the elements, or you pulling it out when people drive you bat$#^% crazy. It’s ok. I’m not into extensions — but if you are; go ahead — do you and skip to #8. But if you are like me, and trying to work (with) what your Momma gave you — here are some helpful tips for you.
Put pure coconut oil in your hair once a week and let it soak for a good 3 hours. Wash and dry — you will literally look like a Bollywood Movie Star, even if you started off looking like Fido Dido.
Take 10,000 mcg of Biotin daily. Play with the dosage if it makes you nauseas, e.g., take two 5,000 mcg pills a few hours apart.
Tip #8: Green is the new Black. Drink a cup of hot Green Decaf Tea daily — it works wonders on your system and complexion. Make sure it’s decaf so you don’t crack yourself out with all the extra caffeine regular Green Tea has.
Tip #9: Shower. Whether you are seeing people or not; showering daily helps reset your vibe — just do it. I love lavender soap because the scent is known for its calming effect. I recommend Yardley English Lavender Soap Bars for lathering up and chilling out (you can find them in most grocers in the toiletries’ aisle).
Tip #10: Laugh (Every. Single. Day.) Out Loud. Laugh with loved ones. Laugh at your favorite movie. Laugh in public. Laugh alone. Laugh at yourself. Laugh with life. Laugh!